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Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Twitter Marketplace

Seeing the huge user-base of Twitter, businesses are taking to it like never before. So much so, giving Twitter a miss is like turning a blind eye to a highly potential market who not only has the power to buy but moresoever the power to popularize a product.

Taking your business on twitter is something that unfortunately most people don’t know. In the media advertising does the trick. You prepare a very good ad of your company and the product you're selling. Buy a slot or space on a channel or in a tabloid and you're done. Whenever people will go through it, they will come to know of your of you're product, etc, etc, etc. Unfortunately for us, Twitter hasn’t yet opened its doors for advertising. It’s expected in the future, but hasn’t yet been introduced. So the only option that remains is: if you can’t get through the front door then you got to enter through the back door, through legal means of course.

Selling on Twitter is somewhat like online dating.
You post your profile and search out the profiles of the men or women you want to date. You select the people who look or sound attractive, and email a message. But, what kind of message is that? Is it “let's hook up tonight" or is it is a friendly message, like an introduction that may get you a response?

The same logic holds true on Twitter. Twitter is a social meeting place. You can't just set up a profile and start sending tweets giving directions to people buy your stuff. You need to show some restraint.

Step 1. Set up a blog
Your blog is like your online home. People who are interested in you on Twitter will want to see your blog, and not your company website. A website is a place of business. Twitter is social. A blog is social.

On Twitter, you invite followers into your online home or blog and then if things go well, slowly and steadily they can buy from you at your blog or at your website.

Step 2. Show up
Now you got to make the big entry, you have to show up. Simply, that means you have to make a profile on Twitter. Use your name or part of your name with your company name. The name is important. Don't use a name that means nothing or is too clever. A personal name is better than a business name. Twitter is after all social remember?

Describe who are you and what do you do. Post a photo of yourself. Be real. Don’t post some avatars or some modern art images. Be proud to be yourself.

Step 3. Make connections by adding value
One great thing about Twitter is that when you tweet one person, that message is potentially being viewed by all your followers. By adding value for one of your followers, you will get credit from everyone as being social and a good citizen on Twitter.

Now, to add value on Twitter you MUST do the following:
Post new content on your blog--regularly. Tweet about your new blog post and link it to your post. This lets your followers know you are going to add value.

Tweet people to help them in other areas that interest you. This will let people know that you can be trusted. Everyone on Twitter knows that many people are trying to sell something on Twitter, and that is not an issue. It is an issue only if you are using Twitter just to sell.

Once you have hit a lull and don’t seem to be getting anymore visitors, start following people on twitter (if you don’t already know there is an option to follow other people or organizations on twitter) that may be interested in your product. Maybe since your trying to sell cookies you would want to follow some group/organization that maybe a potential sale for you.

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