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Monday, December 28, 2009

Now search Live. Introducing per-second real-time search from Google.

If you thought that what you had seen of search was what all that was there to offer then think twice. Something’s or rather some people haven’t yet called it a day. Google, the people who literally invented search engines, have gone back to their old habit- that of inventing and then again re-inventing. Google now has said that it is working on supplementing its search results with real-time live updates from sites like Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. This will be done on a per second basis.

So now, if you happen to search for me or anyone else for that matter, you can get minute by minute updates of what I’m doing right in your search results rather that opening up Twitter, Facebook or MySpace. You can now know what’s going through my mind the moment I tweet it or see the photos that I've uploaded in Facebook the moment I do so.

This could also be helpful in case of earthquakes, bomb blasts or even sports updates.

Google’s foray into this field of real-time search would now enable users to see latest tweets, news items and social networking updates in the search results for certain topic searches.

Google has already started this feature on some of its search sites and will continue to do so in a phase-wise manner. If you want to have a look at it then visit the page (not the Google India page). The page can be visited by either clicking the link ‘Go to’ on the Google India page or by directly going to Once on the page try searching for something very relevant like ‘Copenhagen’. In between the search results you'll see a box where the latest blog updates, tweets scroll past. This box updates every few seconds.

Google had earlier struck an undisclosed deal with Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Many people (including me) were wondering as to what that would result in. But now all speculation is laid to rest.

Google rival Microsoft had also struck a deal with Twitter. So now expect real-time search capability in Bing too.

In addition to all this Google has also unveiled an ambitious project called Google Goggles. This allows people to send Google a photograph of a person or a building and in return get information about it.

So now in case you find someone familiar but can’t remember who, just click a pic and send it to Google and let it do the hard work for you. However improvement in image recognition technology and privacy implications would have to be considered and worked out before it could be effective. As of now, Google Goggles works only on phones running Google’s Android OS. This will be soon available for other phones too.

Google has also made significant progress in its Voice Search, which allows people to search for information from the web simply by speaking their queries in Google. Now Japanese has also been added to the list of English and Chinese. More languages will be added in the new year.

Surf the net smartly using shortcuts:

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Google’s new Online Dictionary.

Google, a company that has never fell short of innovating or even re-inventing, has come up with something most people may seem dumb but still many would appreciate. Taking on the likes of Merriam Webster and Dictionary, Google has come up with its own dictionary.

Google dictionary which can be accessed at is an online version offering the meanings or words in more than 24 different languages. The Google Dictionary website is a clean and simple website (something that’s become a characteristic of Google) offering nothing but a text box and a drop-down box enabling the user to choose his language of preference.

The dictionary offers definitions in 28 languages and the option of translating terms from or into English.

Top 100 Trends and Innovations of 2009 and more:

White Hat SEO: The best way to get there.

White Hat SEO tactic maintains the integrity of your website and the SERPs (search engine results pages). The practice of White Hat Search Engine Optimization, also known as Ethical SEO, aims to make it easier for the search engines to tell when your site's content is relevant to a query. In most cases this is by making a site genuinely more useful to its human visitors, so that they will recommend it to others. The most important White Hat technique is simply to have a website worth recommending. That is not easy by any means, but by far it is the honest and the only way likely to yield lasting results. The most popular White Hat SEO techniques are described below.

Internal Linking
The easiest way to stop your website from ranking well on the search engines is to make it difficult for search engines to find them. By making use of some form of script to enable fancy drop-down navigation many pages land up being unindexed.
If you are using scripts or some other form of navigation that will hinder the indexing of your website, it is important to add text links to the bottom of at least your homepage linking to all you main internal pages.

Reciprocal Linking
Exchanging links with other webmasters is a good way of attaining additional incoming links to your site. While the value of reciprocal links may have declined a bit over the past year they certainly still do have their place.

A VERY important note is that if you do plan on building reciprocal links it’s important to make sure that you do so intelligently. Link only to sites that are related to yours and whose content your visitors will be interested in and not to some random websites.

Content Creation
Content creation is all about discussing creating quality, unique content that will be of interest to your visitors and which will add value to your site. The more content-rich your site is the more valuable it will appear to your human visitors, the search engines and to other webmasters who will be far more likely to link to your website if they find you to be a good resource on their subject.

Writing For Others
Whether it’s in the form of articles, forum posts, or a spotlight piece on someone else's website, creating content that other people will want to read and post on their sites is one of the best ways to build links to your website that don't require a reciprocal link back.

Site Optimization
Manipulation of your site content, wording, and structure for the purpose of attaining high search engine positioning forms the most important aspect of SEO i.e. site optimization. Everything from creating a solid title and Meta tags to tweaking the site content to maximizing its search engine effectiveness is the key to any successful optimization effort.

However all said and done, it’s the quality of content that matters. There's absolutely no point in driving traffic to a site that is so poorly written that it cannot possibly convey the desired message. Site optimization must always take care to maintain the saleability and solid message of the site while maximizing it's exposure on the search engines.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

SEO Tips for Real Estate

A house is something that a man can never have the need of. For those moving out or into a new city a new house is all what’s wanted. For people already having a house a bigger one is desired. Somehow people just can’t get enough of their housing. They are always on the lookout for newer ones and better ones. There was a time when to know of housing available one would scan through the dailies seeing as to what’s up on the market. With time, this has moved over to the internet. Now you have dedicated websites telling you of the latest deals available in any part of the country. This is very beneficial as it allows a business person to make accommodation arrangements much before he can move into the city. It not only saves him a lot of time but also from useless worry.

With real estate going over the net, website owners have taken to SEO to beat the cut throat competition present. Search engine optimization comes into picture when a real estate agent wants his visibility to be on the top, when a client searches internet for the accomplishment of his deal. The real estate business has grown so much over the years that now there are thousands or more agents promoting online business. SEO techniques help the agents in increasing the popularity of their website and the traffic of the website thus flourishing their business. A SEO service provides high quality of content for the website and brings it in the network with the other similar sites dealing in real estate. Thus it helps the agents to market their deals and offers known to a wide range of people and therefore increase their clientele. An added benefit is that the time of the real estate agent clients is saved.

A recently concluded survey indicates that nearly 77% of home buyers use the internet to find a house. The rising use of internet for real estate business purpose has made people to think about having a website to enhance their business. The very first step towards internet marketing of real estate is having very good search engine ratings for the keywords that are most related to the theme of their business. Optimizing web pages with key words that no one uses in the search engines is a complete misuse of time. Then, the use of most common keywords should be avoided at all costs as it will result in nothing but lead to competition with several web pages. Link building is another important aspect of online marketing for the real estate business.

The marketing of the website can be increased significantly by using high quality articles and publishing them all over the web. Thereby increasing the websites search engine visibility. Then the interactivity of the web site should be increased by the use of blogs where the readers can leave their comments which can lead to the finalization of a deal. Chat programs or FAQ sections can be included to increase the business area and convert visitors to customers by the real estate agents. The adoption of the very marketing strategies and a well designed website can certainly increase the business of real estate which is one of the most competitive businesses worldwide.

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SEO Tips and Tricks for Poker

For much of the of the 21st Century, poker has been the #1 search term in the world, edging out the likes of Brad Pitt and Britney Spears. In addition, poker is one of the most valuable search terms, with thousands of focused websites competing to rank for that numero uno spot. Despite that, few poker sites worth mentioning have engaged in sensible website optimization and are reaping the benefits.

As in SEO in general, the very first step is the domain name which is actually the toughest part. “Poker” is one of the most difficult words to optimize for, because it’s so common. Hence, unless you can come out with something totally out of the blue, a domain name with the word “poker” has already been taken. So research into the hottest Internet poker affiliate keywords and phrases and settle for a short-and-sweet domain name that has those terms.

Once you have got that domain name, make sure it delivers that too with original content. Even if you’re saying what’s been said before, say it with a new style in a new way. If you don’t have that ability, seek out a writer who can do so.

Original content is an absolute necessity for Google rankings. The Google indexing process prefers sites that don’t repeat other sites’ copy. Readers don’t want to read what they’ve already read before. A good idea is to build up a library of at least a half dozen articles even before you launch your site.

Title Tags:
The title tag is like a billboard showing off what you’re site has to offer. Having a good title tag isn’t that hard. You must have to make sure that it doesn't sound too spammy. Eg: a title tag that reads “Internet Poker Directory: Your Source for Making Money with Poker Online” is okay, but not great; a title tag that says “Internet Poker Money Casino Online Texas Hold’ Em Cash Easy Win Big!” might have all those golden SEO terms but it just doesn’t make sense.

Meta Tags:
Though this may seem easy, but unfortunately it’s not as easy as it looks. These tags will be much more effective if the terms actually appear in the content as well. So sync up with the page content, but not too randomly. It should be written along with the site content. If the two are synced up properly, it’ll go a long way towards zooming your site to the top of Google.

Natural links:
Again, going back to original content, the better your site’s content quality, the more other sites will link back to your post. Google and search engines in general love natural links; it kind of gives your site authenticity. In Google’s eyes, even if a dozen sites have found your articles worthwhile enough to link to, it means you’re legit and not an advertiser or a spammer.

Create a Section that will be updated often - Getting visitors from SE’s is great, but you would also want something to keep visitors loyal. You can accomplish this by having a small weekly news article, a weekly strategy article, a bonus of the week section, etc. Give the visitors something to come back for. Pages like this will also fetch some good links from visitors posting it in forums if the content is good enough to be passed on.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Make your Online business known. Try SEO.

In today’s world, SEO is the most practical form of Internet marketing for online business even more than the more traditional forms of advertising in print media and telemarketing. It helps your company have a recognized presence on the massive network of the Internet. A Search Engine Optimization service plays a very important role in bringing a good amount of web traffic to a business website. When a website does not have any traffic, SEO methods are commonly used with the aim of generating more traffic and achieving more sales and productivity.

With good SEO techniques, your website will achieve a superior rank in almost all the important search engines like Yahoo, Google, and MSN. You can always survive the competition through increasing the demand of your product over the worldwide web and benefit from improved brand visibility, ROI, more web traffic and also higher productivity for your online business.

Good Ranking
There is a common saying that “to achieve miracles, you have to go the extra mile”. The same holds true for SEO. In order to rank high you have to not only have a website but also indulge in designing and developing online ad campaigns, maintaining reports and developing a SEO friendly website. Discern the poor features of your website and create an ideal solution. Mixing high popularity keywords with well developed content and an attractive design results in a mouth-watering combo that Search Engines spiders are always on the look out for.

SEO for online marketing needs
As search engines are basically used for finding information available on Internet, Search Engine Optimization holds great importance. The things to pay attention to are:
• Analysis and strategic planning
• Keywords research analysis
• Website optimization
• Link Building
• Pay per Click Ads
• Search engine directory submission
• SEO consultation
• SEO reports
• Making search engine friendly websites
• Remunerated submissions to the search engines
• SEO copywriting and content development

These in addition widely used methods of Meta tags, HTML codes optimization, blog creation, article submission, regular analysis of website and ranking reports maintenance are sure to catapult your website to the top of Search Engine rankings. There is however one thing that probably should be framed and kept on every website owners desk, i.e. there is no substitute for good content. Even in today’s times, content is king. Great content will not only get visitors but will also get many backlinks. Your website content should be something that keeps people wanting more. Information on latest products, discounts, offers, sales, freebies will lead to a wide and loyal user base. This will not only keep the regular ones happy but also get new ones. Thereby increasing one’s reputation, user base and revenue generation.

Once you have done all this (or got it done), keep this in mind. It takes around 4-5 weeks or even months for the search engines to index your website and get better ranking. So perseverance is the key.

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Avoid the frustration of SEO

Being an SEO is no child’s play. Though you may taste tremendous success, you got to also brace up for failure. No matter what enthusiasm you may start off with remember to always be on ground level. This job not only requires immense knowledge, diligence, and hard work but also requires tremendous amounts of patience and perseverance. As time passes, you will learn many things and gain in practical knowledge which will make the ride easier in the long run. For the crest-fallen SEO, here are a few tips to avoid the frustration that comes along with the job.

Learn basic SEO principles
The stronger the foundation, the higher the building can rise. No amount of time is ever sufficient for perfecting your basic knowledge. Indulge yourself into learning the basics of SEO. Knowing the SEO basics will help you understand in corporate parlance what it is best to retain in-house and what makes sense to outsource. Plus, you’ll communicate better with outside service providers if you possess strong basic knowledge.

Start by reading SEO blogs. Segregate the blogs that are writing for beginners and small businesses, from those writing for SEO professionals. This is very crucial to avoid frustration. Those writing for other SEO professionals generally talk at a level way above the head, sometimes they talk about blackhat techniques. SEO blogs that target small businesses give you a level of knowledge that you can more easily relate to and act on.

Spend money to make money
Allow your business to be guided by your revenue goals, instead of the goal of merely minimizing expenses. To do this, you will need to do some serious marketing planning. Start off by setting revenue goals for the month, quarter and year, then work backwards by breaking them down by what you need to do each week to achieve those goals. Understand exactly and precisely which search marketing activities, what they will cost, and the revenue they will bring in if successful. Once you create a detailed marketing plan, it becomes your road map.

Know your limitations
If you do a lot of copywriting or blogging, then it makes sense to learn about keywords for copywriting purposes. That knowledge you can use regularly and learning about keywords is an activity you can master with a reasonable amount of time.

On the other hand, technical site architecture issues and pay per click advertising may require the assistance of those who are experts. These are more technically sound or require daily and regular attention. When you take into account the amount of time you would have to spend to master these areas it could be favorable to hire it out.

At the end, these are important issues to take into account to avoid frustration. In a way, all website owners have to go through this phase to some degree.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Take Twitter where you go.

Twitter has and is becoming more and more popular even as we speak. That’s one of the most primary reasons that it has become one of the best web marketing tools. Be it building a successful online based business or just tweeting for fun Twitter can help you in a big way. If you look closely, there is slowly and steadily an ecosystem that seems to be developing around twitter. By using the API’s that are freely available, there are no bounds on what and where the power of Twitter can be used. By simply incorporating your website or blog which is already popular into your twitter account (or vice versa) you can attract thousands of people. Something like, “If you like this, then you may like that”. In this way you are opening up and exploring new avenues that are sure to get you the benefits you seek.

A very simple way of doing that is by making use of Twitter Feed. Twitter Feed will not only automatically post a Twitter Update linking to your latest post, but will also post a short excerpt of the post. If you found this one interesting, then you will find these too.

Twitter Tools:
Twitter Tools allows you to easily maintain and create content for your twitter account within your wordpress blog. This plugin actually creates the link between your website and your blog making your job lot easier.

Twitter Counter:
A very nice way of keeping track of who’s following you. Here you can also see your present ranking in Twitter with respect to the number of followers, tweets, etc. It enables you to compare yourself with others on Twitter and also see predictions based on present trends.

TweetSuite adds a server side fully-featured TweetBacks service, complete with a “Tweet This” button at the top of each post, a “Retweet This” button for each TweetBack, widgets for your sidebar, and the ability to automatically update Twitter with your latest blog entries.

WP Twitip ID:
I'm sure you're doing to love this one. This plugin takes out the pain of adding another field to your comment form for users to enter their twitter username to be displayed as a link to follow them via their twitter page.

Official Twitter Widget:
This plugin was created by the Twitter programmers and it is currently available in Flash version or HTML The plugin is simple, it adds a simple widget with your latest Twitter Updates and also shows pictures of twitter users. Available directly through the twitter site.
This is a URL shortener that allows direct posting on your twitter account. Perfect for sharing long URL’s.

A perfect tool for sharing pictures on Twitter. Simply awesome if you’ve just returned from a vacation or wanting to show your parents how was your kids birthday party.

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Job opportunities knocking on Twitter

Tough economic times call for innovative approaches. With the on going recession and no signs of it abating soon, searching for a job and keeping it intact seems like the toughest thing. So who does one turn to when all the job providing websites have failed? One great option is Twitter.

In addition all the things that Twitter is used for like Social Networking and Business, Twitter is evolving as another resource, for both job searching and recruiting. Like many celebrities and stars on Twitter, many recruiters too are on Twitter. So as a businessman targets his audience to sell his product, an employee should also sell himself.

Just by seeing to some few things you can be rest assured of making a good impression.

∙ Make your Twitter presence “employer-friendly”
Put your job pitch in your Twitter bio. Make sure it is concise and to the point.
Use a real and well dressed pic of yourself.
Make sure you tweet about your job search

• Utilize your Twitter background.
If you haven’t noticed, there’s lots of space in the back you can use to promote yourself. Upload a pic with info about yourself and your qualification and contact details.

• Include a link to an online CV or resume in your bio. 
As one thing may lead to another, this may prove quite useful.

• Establish yourself as an expert in your field on Twitter. 
It’s important to note that you should not misrepresent yourself. If you’re an electrical engineer, then stick to being one. There's no point in portraying that you are a computer engineer. As more and more people will visit your profile, your popularity will zoom and will help you in fetching a job.

Now all said and done one thing you always got to remember. It’s not always about who you’re looking for; some people on Twitter are actually looking for YOU.

There are many job recruiters who use Twitter to look for potential candidates. But like many fake celebrities on Twitter you have to make sure that it is a genuine recruiter. So always remember to check out:
• Their bio
• Follower/Following ratio (This will give you an idea whether they been around a while? Do they follow people back?)
• Click the link to their website. Verify the info on the website.
• Ask others in your network whether or not the recruiter is a credible source

In addition to your profile, you could also make use of many job search tools to do the job for you.
Started by well-known PR professional, Brian Solis, it was developed to bring together job seekers and recruiters through tweets.

How does it work?
Recruiters begin their tweets with @Microjobs, and then submit. The @Microjobs account automatically tweets out requests to its growing network of job seekers.

Just follow the hashtag #Tweetmyjobs and visit the website. This is a very simple and free tool for job seekers. You can even subscribe to desired job channels and have new openings automatically sent to your mobile phone. What’s even better is you can specify which cities you want notifications from.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Presenting Twitter News: A 24x7 service

In a world dominated by news channels, social networking websites and gadgets, staying in touch or rather staying informed has become everyone’s capability. Whether you may be a sports enthusiast who wants to know all the latest happenings in the sports arena or whether you are a businessman who is looking for the right time to close a deal with his partners, news does come in handy.

Everyone knows about Twitter and its usefulness. Apart from the usual staying in touch twitter enables people to stay informed on the latest that is happenings all around the world. So much so, when MJ died, most Americans came to know of it through twitter. For the people on the other side of the world who were fast asleep twitter made sure that they would get the news of the loss before any newspaper would do so. This news enabled one and all to show solidarity and pay respects to the King of Pop. If it weren’t for Twitter, I'm sure that many people would get the news either if they tuned in to some news channel or someone happened to tell them. Another example was the Mumbai attacks on 26/11 when eyewitnesses sent an estimated 80 tweets every five seconds, helping in compiling a list of the dead and injured.

On a personal level, the best thing I like about twitter is the fact that it enables a person to be constantly in touch with another. It’s something like you're keeping track of every wee bit of info you get about that person. Things like “I’ve just woken up” or “I’m having a bad day” let us know of how the other is doing and what he is going through. By following your favourite bands or celebrities, you cab get the latest info on upcoming albums, movies or gossip. By following people like entrepreneurs, politicians you can get info on how to start and grow your business and the policies that are going to shape your tomorrow. With so many people logging on to twitter nowadays, businesses are taking to twitter to reach out to their customers and gain new ones. They inform their customers of new products, offers and best deals and prices. All this done in a very nice and systematic way rather than those highly glamorous and irritating advertisements which may fail to inform but never fail to irritate.

Another lovely aspect of twitter is that it’s somewhat synonymous to a radio. You don’t need to be clinged on to it everytime so as to get the latest. Just keeping it in the background is enough. Whenever you have the time, you can go through it without a worry that you may have missed something. If you get bored of what you are getting you can simply choose to ‘not follow’. In this way the power of choice is in your hands.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Twitter Marketplace

Seeing the huge user-base of Twitter, businesses are taking to it like never before. So much so, giving Twitter a miss is like turning a blind eye to a highly potential market who not only has the power to buy but moresoever the power to popularize a product.

Taking your business on twitter is something that unfortunately most people don’t know. In the media advertising does the trick. You prepare a very good ad of your company and the product you're selling. Buy a slot or space on a channel or in a tabloid and you're done. Whenever people will go through it, they will come to know of your of you're product, etc, etc, etc. Unfortunately for us, Twitter hasn’t yet opened its doors for advertising. It’s expected in the future, but hasn’t yet been introduced. So the only option that remains is: if you can’t get through the front door then you got to enter through the back door, through legal means of course.

Selling on Twitter is somewhat like online dating.
You post your profile and search out the profiles of the men or women you want to date. You select the people who look or sound attractive, and email a message. But, what kind of message is that? Is it “let's hook up tonight" or is it is a friendly message, like an introduction that may get you a response?

The same logic holds true on Twitter. Twitter is a social meeting place. You can't just set up a profile and start sending tweets giving directions to people buy your stuff. You need to show some restraint.

Step 1. Set up a blog
Your blog is like your online home. People who are interested in you on Twitter will want to see your blog, and not your company website. A website is a place of business. Twitter is social. A blog is social.

On Twitter, you invite followers into your online home or blog and then if things go well, slowly and steadily they can buy from you at your blog or at your website.

Step 2. Show up
Now you got to make the big entry, you have to show up. Simply, that means you have to make a profile on Twitter. Use your name or part of your name with your company name. The name is important. Don't use a name that means nothing or is too clever. A personal name is better than a business name. Twitter is after all social remember?

Describe who are you and what do you do. Post a photo of yourself. Be real. Don’t post some avatars or some modern art images. Be proud to be yourself.

Step 3. Make connections by adding value
One great thing about Twitter is that when you tweet one person, that message is potentially being viewed by all your followers. By adding value for one of your followers, you will get credit from everyone as being social and a good citizen on Twitter.

Now, to add value on Twitter you MUST do the following:
Post new content on your blog--regularly. Tweet about your new blog post and link it to your post. This lets your followers know you are going to add value.

Tweet people to help them in other areas that interest you. This will let people know that you can be trusted. Everyone on Twitter knows that many people are trying to sell something on Twitter, and that is not an issue. It is an issue only if you are using Twitter just to sell.

Once you have hit a lull and don’t seem to be getting anymore visitors, start following people on twitter (if you don’t already know there is an option to follow other people or organizations on twitter) that may be interested in your product. Maybe since your trying to sell cookies you would want to follow some group/organization that maybe a potential sale for you.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

#Hashtags in Twitter: A bouncer or a gift?

One of the features of Twitter that probably drives people nuts is the #hashtag. You're reading a tweet from a friend or a source and suddenly you come across this strange thing that starts with a number symbol but unfortunately doesn't have any after it. I can understand the plight. After all, you are not alone. With hashtags becoming ever so popular these days, this confusion prevails even more and it’s not possible to circumvent this problem. So if you are one of those who find hashtags things that have fallen from the sky, then read on.

A Hashtag, is nothing but a topic with a hash symbol (”#”) at the start to identify it. An example is #followfriday which helps spread information on Twitter while also helping to organize it.

The hashtag is a favourite tool of conferences and event organizers, it’s also a way for Twitter users to organize themselves. Imagine there is an upcoming concert in your locality. The organizers would love to reach out to contribute in all ways possible. So what would it do? It would invite people to discuss ways to make the event a grand success. In this way people would refer to the topic and suggest means to get the job done. If everyone agrees to append a certain hashtag to tweets about a topic, it becomes easier for people to find that topic in search, and the higher the likelihood that the topic will appear in Twitter’s Trending Topics.
Below are ways to identify, track, and use hashtags in an efficient and useful way.

Identifying Hashtags:
Identifying hashtags is sometimes really a headache. It’s something like a newbie introduced to the world of chat lingo. In Twitter too, people including veterans come across hashtags that don’t fail to baffle. Eg: #sxsw: It stands for South by SouthWest – a festival including music, media and interactivity.

So does this problem have a remedy? Luckily, it does. There a few great tools for assistance:

What the Trend?: This useful service makes it really easy to learn about trending hashtags. When something starts trending, What the Trend? provides a quick summary on what’s going on.

Twubs: Twubs, uses a wiki system to help disseminate information on a hashtag. It aggregates tweets and imports pictures to help throw light on the topics being discussed. While this may not be the best at helping you understand the meaning behind a tag, it is good at showing you its trends and usage over a period of time and recent tweets.

Tagalus: Tagalus in simple words is a dictionary for hashtags. It’s very easy to find information on thousands of hashtags as defined by other users. Here you can also define a hashtag by tweeting tagalus.

Tracking Hashtags:
If you want to track tweets from a hashtag in real-time, you could use tools like Monitter and Twitterfall. For popular ones, provides graphs and hour-by-hour information. For less popular one’s, you could try setting up a Twilert to get a daily email of the use of a specific hashtag.

Using hashtags
One golden of using hashtags is not to overuse them. If every one of your tweets IS a hashtag, you dilute the usefulness of them and it would also seem spammy.

Another important rule: define your hashtag. Most people won’t actually know what your hashtag means, so by giving a quick explanation you're making it very apparent what it’s about.

Finally, if you’re looking to create a hashtag, make sure that it adds value for yourself and your followers. The best way to utilize them is when you need to organize information like conferences, major events, and even reminders.

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Other Droid Powered Phones

Android powered phones have been seen in the past, but the way things are shaping up it seems that we will have a lot to see in the coming months. Manufacturers are getting their act together in order to launch their Android powered phones before the lucrative holiday period starts.

Among the frontrunners is South Korea’s LG Electronics with the announcement of its first Android-based device. The LG-GW620 features a three-inch, full touch screen and slide out QWERTY hardware keypad, with a strong focus on email and social networking services.

US vendor Motorola has unveiled its first Android powered smart phone known as the Cliq in the US and the Dext elsewhere. Having some similarity to LG’s offering, the Cliq/Dext features a 3.1 inch HVGA touchscreen, with a full size, slide out QWERTY keyboard underneath, a 5MP camera, 3.5mm headset jack, wifi, GPS, and support for up to 32GB of removable memory. The Cliq is heavily geared toward social networking and younger users with features built around sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter.

The Samsung I7500 with OLED touchscreen powered by Android features the 11.9-mm slim quad-band GSM, tri-band 7.2Mbps HSDPA (900/1700/2100MHz) candybar packs a 3.2-inch, 320 x 480 pixel AMOLED touchscreen, WiFi, GPS, 5MPcamera with Power LED, 1,500mAh battery, 8GB of storage (plus MicroSD expansion for up to 32GB more), and a standard 3.5mm heasdset jack.

Another Android based phone from the Samsung stable, the Samsung Moment offers simple device navigation through an optical joystick located just below the expansive display. It features a large OLED display with capacitive touch, slide-out QWERTY keyboard, and an optical touchpad. Other features include 3-megapixel auto-focus camera, video capture, 3.5mm audio jack, EVDO Rev. A data, WiFi, memory card slot, and visual voicemail.

HTC Corporation, a global leader in mobile phone innovation and design, unveiled its latest handset – the HTC Dream, its first Android-powered mobile phone. The HTC Dream combines full touch-screen functionality and a QWERTY keyboard with a mobile Web experience that includes the popular Google products, including Google Maps with Street View, Gmail, YouTube and others.

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Droid Running Multiple Applications At A Time

The list of the features and the functionalities of the Motorola DROID seems never ending. At some point however it seems that the Motorola DROID has been made just to compete with the Apple iPhone and nothing else. If the iPhone has this then the DROID has it. If the iPhone doesn’t have this then the DROID has just got to have it. Come what may.

The Apple iPhone may have some features that truly set it apart. Its one of the coolest dollies you can carry around and flaunt. The apps are great, the visual effects are awesome. If you are an average user who believes in making a style statement then the Apple iPhone just seems to do the needful. But what if you want more from your phone? You want to use it to organize and guide your life in all situations. In that case, I personally don’t think that the iPhone would do a very handy job. It will get the work done, but only after some real effort and probably frustration.

Today's life is all about multitasking and time saving. Unfortunately, the guys at Apple seemed to have forgotten this. You may have created a visual masterpiece, but unproductive. As said earlier, the guys at Google seem to have noticed this and made amends.

It’s possible to run multiple applications at the same time with Google's Android operating system unlike running just one application at a time on the iPhone. The strength of Android becomes apparent, when you decide to search the Web in the middle of looking up a contact or using driving directions within Google Maps. Simply touching the back key or tapping the application icon takes you right back to where you were, instead of stopping and restarting the application, as on the iPhone. It seems like a little thing but it can add up to pretty significant savings in time and frustration.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

10,000 Applications In Droid Phones

Finally the wait is over. The DROID has finally been launched. After so many months we can finally say that yes not there is a phone that can give a tough competition to the iPhone. Though there may not be much difference in the features and the pricing, it’s the applications available that has got everyone buzzing.

Everyone knows that Android is still nowhere as popular as the iPhone. We all know that the Android Market is literally empty in comparison to the Apple App Store. But what we also know is that one day this will change. Presently, the Android market has just surpassed 10,000 applications.

This news comes from AndroidLib, the Android Market equivalent, who estimates that the number of apps available to users of the Android OS has just exceeded 10k. This number is significant because 10,000 is twice as much as 5,000, which was the number of applications available in May. So, in short, the Android Market has doubled in size in a few months.

Now though these figures can’t be trusted fully as they are not from the official channels, they give an estimate of how fast things are changing that too without anyone taking notice. If these figures are right, there's a 100% growth in less than 4 month. With the number of handsets and carriers getting in on Android, the number of apps is likely to skyrocket near 20,000 by the end of the year.

Figures worth sharing:
• Approximately 64% of the apps receive a satisfactory rating and another 12% or so are getting moderate levels.
• Around 64% of the apps in the Android Market are free
• Slightly less than 1% of the titles in the market have seen more than 250,000 downloads
• Somewhere around 24% of Android Market apps have been downloaded over 5,000 times

Though the Android Market has and is making rapid strides, yet as compared to the Apple app store it has gotten off to a much slower start.

The Android Market was launched in October 2008. Then developers could only upload free apps simply because the Android store didn't have any payment system. But recently, Google has announced that mobile developers can now offer paid apps for Android, which will use Google Checkout for its payment and billing system. This move speaks for itself as several cellphone makers like Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson and HTC are expected to release new Android-powered phones this year.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Web Features in Droid Phones

The DROID, the first Google Android 2.0 phone has impressed and continues to do so with a very strong set of web features and a big and stunning 3.7 inch display that brings all the applications to life. The DROID comes preinstalled with many of the features that you would normally see on computers. You find GMail, Google’s messaging service which lets you undo accidentally deleting, archiving or even sending an email; GTalk, Google Chat client which lets you search your chat history, switch between chats and preview video within the chat flow; Google Search lets you search not only the web but also applications, contacts and browser bookmarks on your phone, Calender lets you view and edit your schedule on your phone, Contacts and the ever popular YouTube that lets you record and upload DVD quality videos from your phone easily. As with all Android devices, you need a free Google account in order to take advantage of the key features like the contact list and the calendar as they are synchronized with your web based account.

The Google Maps feature has now gone a step ahead than its predecessor. You now have a Layers option that enables you to place location enabled features on the map that you're viewing. So now, you can get information on say parking lots, ATM points, restaurants, gas stations, etc. the Google Maps navigation is also hands-free, that means totally voice-based. You can say the name of the destination you wish to go to and get turn by turn directions. In addition to this, if you switch to the Google Street View, you get an interactive photo of the actual location as you approach your destination. Like a guiding star, an arrow will point you in the right direction. Thus giving you some sort of visual confirmation that you're in the right place or atleast very near to it.

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Price of Droid Phones

Now since everyone has come to know of the Motorola DROID, everyone wants to know the price so that they can get their hands on it. What’s to see is how it is going to be priced so as to keep it competitive in a market that has more than one player eyeing for a bigger piece of the pie. For a phone that boasts of top class features as Google’s 3D Maps, excellent call quality and a host of others, the only thing that probably could go wrong would be the price. In addition to that it depends how fast it will be available in overseas markets and at what price.

As we all know, Verizon is the distributor of the DROID phone. From my perspective Verizon is out there to attack Apple in more ways than one. One of the most important reasons being that Apple did not partner it where the iPhone was concerned thus leaving Verizon high and dry. So what does one do when a device that has probably taken smart phones to an altogether new level has slipped out of the hand? Simple. You partner with its competitor or in better words a device that’s worth being a competitor. Someone that can actually put up a brave front in terms of features and quality.

What has been let to know as of now, and I must say it’s truly shocking is that the price of the Apple iPhone and the Motorola DROID are exactly the same. There isn’t even a dime difference between the two. Looks like things are going down to the wire. If you can’t separate the two where features are concerned then you can’t do so even where pricing is concerned.

The price of the Droid is set at $199, with a two-year contract and a mail-in rebate and at $599 without contract. You pay $149.99 for an unlimited usage plan and $109.99 for an average usage plan. At $3,799+tax and $2,839+tax you can get an unlimited and an average plan respectively over a period of 24 months. I guess you get what you pay for!

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Motorola Droid with Google's GPS Applications

The brand Motorola has been synonymous with mobile phones for a long long time now. This company has not only lived up to its expectations but also has disappointed many a times. This enabled many of its competitors to overtake it. But Motorola, as you can say with champions, has not yet given up the fight. When Motorola came out the RAZR, it made everyone stand up and take notice. But unfortunately the party did not last long. Motorola couldn’t backup its RAZR with cool phones. As a result, the company’s popularity fell.

Now however, Motorola has made a comeback or rather say atleast attempted to. Its has slowly and steady gone through some major changes. Firstly, embracing the Google Android as the platform for its phones, then shedding off the weight of Windows Mobile and finally bringing some high end phones in the market.

With the DROID, Motorola has perhaps created its most attractive piece of technology till date. By forming an alliance with Verizon and Google, it is now a formidable player in the phone segment. With a big screen, fast speeds, full QWERTY keyboard and Facebook connectivity on the offering as some of the features, I think this phone is here to stay.

Well, if you thought that’s all, then heres something cooler. DROID comes loaded with Google’s 3D Maps Navigation in addition to other Google apps like GMail, GTalk, Search, Calender, Contacts and YouTube. Google’s 3D Maps Navigation is a mixture of satellite, traffic and hybrid maps with text-to-speech directions. You also get info on parking lots, ATM’s, gas stations, etc. By switching to the Google Street View you get turn by turn directions from your source point to your destination. The navigation is super fast; user friendly and cleanly laid out. The best part, that’s what I like, is that it’s completely free. A few glitches here and there, but overall very good.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

iPhone 3GS vs Motorola Droid

The Motorola DROID is the new kid on the block. But will this new kid be able to take the might of the big players in this segment especially the iPhone that has dominated this segment ever since its launch. Let us have a comparison and see which one gets the thumbs up.

1. Hardware
Droid runs on the TI OMAP 3430 processor, one of the best processors in the market. In addition to its application-switching capabilities it is also a very fast processor. Infact, Droid is said to be the fastest Android device till date.
iPhone 3GS uses Samsung S5PC100. The iPhone’s processor is capable of application switching functionality, but surprisingly Apple hasn’t quite utilized the feature as yet.

2. Operating Systems
The iPhone’s OS has been rated highly by the experts for its reliability and ease of use. But the Android OS is still unknown. The Android OS is being used in the Motorola Droid for the first time.

3. Keyboard & Screens
One of the biggest drawbacks of the iPhone is that it lacks a physical keyboard. Making sure that this would not be the case in the DROID, the Motorola Droid features a full QWERTY keyboard.

As for the screen, Droid plays videos at 854×480 pixels, which is much higher than the 640×480 pixel display that is used by the iPhone 3GS.

4. Applications
Thanks to the Apple’s app store that has been around for few years now there are more than 95k apps available currently for download. The Android’s app store is not even comparable to the Apple’s store as of now.

5. Camera
Though the iPhone 3GS has a 3MP camera it is nothing compared to the Motorola Droid’s 5MP camera.

6. Battery Life and Talk time
iPhone 3GS is powered by lithium-ion battery which can provide a talk time of upto 8 hours on a 2G network and 5 hours of talk time on a 3G network.

On the other hand, Motorola Droid is powered by a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery and can provide talk time of upto 12 hours on a 2G network and a talk time of upto 6.4 hours on 3G network.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Flaws in Droid Phones

Much has been said and probably will continue to be said about the Motorola DROID atleast for a few months and until a new phone that’s worth its weight in salt is launched. The DROID is pipped to be a serious competitor to the Apple IPhone. At least with what’s let to know, one can say that now we have or rather better be said that Apple has a thing to watch out for. All this while Apple has been an unchallenged and even if someone dared to, the fight hasn’t lasted long enough.

Though much has been said about the good features of the DROID, there are however some glitches. The QWERTY keyboard feels flat and the dial pad control is restricted to the home screen. In fact, pressing the keys on the top is troublesome. Visually, the keyboard is easier (and more aesthetically pleasing) than other QWERTY phones too, though sometimes the keys can feel a bit cramped. Additionally, there are some major issues with the auto-dimming on the DROID. If you left the screen in auto brightness mode, the constant on / off dimming of the keyboard made it intolerable; eventually you had to just switch the auto dim off altogether. There are issues also with the keyboard not lighting up at all in some instances, requiring closing and opening the pad again. Not a big deal, but annoying when you're trying to quickly tap out a message. Admittedly, what was missed was the CLIQ's two-stage keyboard backlighting that only enabled the second light when ALT was pressed, but it's a thing one can do without.

Apart from this, the calendars aren't fully integrated, and we'd prefer to see dual-mode (GSM/CDMA) capability. Plus the camera is unpleasant to use, the application selection feels small in quantity and quality and the phone has some bits of basic, non-intuitive functionality that might chafe on some users after a while.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Excellent Call Quality in Droids

Opportunities are never lost; they are taken by someone else. This same can be said of Verizon. Verizon never happened to get the contract from Apple and it seems like it has given up even the thought of getting a contract. So what does Verizon do? Simple. Get the dealership of a phone that can be a formidable competitor to the iPhone. Its latest campaign for the new Motorola Droid is full of attacks on Apple and its flagship smart phone. Whatever may be the outcome, but the next few months are bound to see some tough words exchanged between the two mobile phone stalwarts.

Some people would say that the Droid is the best Android device to date, taking into consideration the high-quality, fast processor, providing PowerVR graphics and excellent call quality, not forgetting the battery that can run for a whole day long. The Droid’s unique dock has large icons which allow switching to current weather or music playback with oversized controls. The Droid’s design is smart enough to automatically enter the GPS-oriented Car Mode.

Unfortunately, the handset has a few hardware-design quirks. The keyboard is shallow--and the keys themselves are flat that causes a lot of trouble using it. The Droid is also missing physical Talk and End keys, which are the standard on every cell phone ever made. You must access these controls from the call application.

The Droid, which supports 1900MHz and 800MHz CDMA EvDO bands on the Verizon Wireless network, comes with a 1,400-mAh battery rated at 270 hours of standby time and 385 minutes of talk time. It also has preinstalled 16GB of memory card and offers Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.1 support, which includes the use of stereo headsets and a Wi-Fi adapter.

The phone provides excellent call quality, even in a hotel lobby full of noisy sport fans. Parties on the other end of the call also reported no problems.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Droid's Snappy Web Browser

In the words of Alexander the Great, “I came, I saw and I conquered”. The Motorola DROID seems to have just done that especially where the web browser is concerned. I don’t think after trying your hands on the DROID’s browser, you would ever want to go back to your old browser.

The browser can best be described in one word i.e. snappy. It loads images in a flash thanks to the 550 MHz processor and high speed hardware accelerated graphics. Though this depends on the 3G data network coverage, once you're in it web browsing is fast and easy. On the onset, a major change. Now once the pages load up you are presented with a fully zoomed out view of the page. In addition, the browser now supports double taps to zoom, and the load times and scrolling is way snappier. However a drawback remains as there is still no multi touch. While the overall browsing speed is not that great as the iPhone 3GS, things like auto-prediction on URL entry make it bearable. The streamed videos from sites like YouTube look very impressive; the playback of high definition videos is excellent with no stalling. The quality of audio is also top class through the pair of high quality headphones. The music player supports building playlists, album art, loop, shuffle and normal playback modes. DRM-free music can be purchased at the Amazon MP3 store via the preloaded application on the mobile.

Most of the alterations are subtle, that is they do not jump at you and make you fall of your chair. However there are some notable visual tweaks worth mentioning. New fade effects and cross-application animations make the device suited to our times. Additionally, all the icons have been updated to give the UI a rich feel.

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Droid from Verizon Wireless

Motorola has included a new member in its Android collection, known as the Motorola Droid. This fully fledged package from Motorola comes with amazing features and specifications. The phone has specifications like 3.7 inches wide-screen display with a resolution of 480 x 854 pixels, high-processing capability for smooth running of the applications and more.

The Motorola Droid is loaded with advanced features and hardware. The size of the phone is only 0.5 inches thicker than iPhone. Data entry is through a fast and flexible full sized QWERTY keyboard.
The Motorola DROID has some wonderful features and functionalities like:
Built-in 5 MP camera with dual LED flash to capture great looking night shots and advanced features like Auto Focus and zoom.
Voice based search with GPS
3.7" display at 854 x 480 resolution
16GB of on board memory expandable up to 320GB for storing high volume of data.
Runs on Google Android 2.0 platform with an advanced multitasking feature that can run simultaneous apps
QWERTY slider keyboard and High-speed mobile web browser
Beta version of Google Maps Navigation to help you find your way around.
In built music player supporting formats like MP3, AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, WMA etc
Runs on TI OMAP3430 processor which provides high processing speed and smooth environment for mobile computing.
Native sync support for Exchange and Facebook, a new UI makeover and much more

The Motorola Droid is a perfect blend of style and technology. The phone is set to give a tough challenge to the Apple iPhone. The phone is going to hit the markets on 6th of November 2009 and is priced at $199 that includes a 2 year contract from Verizon wireless. The unlocked version of Droid will cost around $750. When the Motorola Droid will be launched in India is unknown.

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